It's time to help your pet lose the weight, and help them live their best life!
This is a practical course that will give you, as a pet owner, all the confidence and the practical tools necessary for helping your pet achieve their ideal body weight, or as close as possible, in a safe and healthy way. It might even shed a little on your own relationship with your human body and help you heal your relationship with food.
This is THE BEST training and support you can get as a pet owner to help your dog or cat lose weight!.
Who is it for?
> Pet Owners who are ready to help their pet lose the weight and have more fun together!
What we'll discover...
👉 Why we get triggered as pet owners by hearing the words “your pet is overweight” and what to do about it
👉 How to communicate with your veterinarian or your vet team for the best outcome for your pet
👉 Why OUR emotions are the KEY FOR SUCCESS

My Happy Pet Owners:
Wilma 8 yo spayed Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
“I was so overwhelmed by how hard it seemed to be to help Wilma lose weight. I’ve tried everything, and my husband kept feeding her all the things! Nadina pulled him onboard, and now Wilma is soooo much happier!”
BM-life coach
“OMG, I was totally doing this! I was coping with my emotions by overfeeding my dog! So enlightening!”
Greta- 5 yo spayed Hungarian Vizsla mix
“I was so ashamed of how far I allowed this weight situation to go with Greta! And now I can’t believe that I got my puppy back! She’s so happy!”
A Little Bit About Me...
My name is Nadina Cojocaru, aka NC, and I am a small animal veterinarian and a vetcoach (a.k.a. life coach for vets).
From over 20 years of experience in working with dogs and cats and over five years of experience as a Certified Life and Weight Coach, Dr. Nadina Cojocaru DVM created this practical course for you, as a pet owner, to take away the overwhelm and the anxiety in front of your pet’s weight loss journey.
Buy My Course!