
Skip to the Good Part!

Do you save the best for last…. And keep on overeating in the process?

And do you feel so stuffed that the taste of the best part is not even enjoyable anymore?


Aren’t you sick and tired of waiting for the good part to come at the end?


Let’s rebel together!... and START WITH THE BEST PART!


This realisation blew my mind! It came during a coaching session with a client, who was committed to save the best for last.


The more I think about this concept, the more I want to apply it in all the areas of my life, not just with my food.

Because keeping the best things for last and filling our time/ physical space/ bodies / minds with “non-important-things” adds clutter in our lives. And pounds on the scale.


Do you want to eat some pancakes for lunch and your brain is telling you that “You have to eat real food first, then eat the pancakes?”

I will explain how this old belief that we all have, leads to weight gain/not losing weight.

I’ll use MATH, not drama.


If you go on with the “save the best for last” thing, then you’ll probably eat your lunch (For ex. a piece of meat and veggies -or whatever is your lunch!).

You’ll probably rush through the lunch and eat EXTREMELY FAST, not paying attention on how hungry you are/aren’t during the process, being impatient about getting to the pancakes ASAP.


Then you eat three pancakes with the filling of your choice, just pressing them down in the stomach.

20 minutes later you feel as stuffed as after the Thanksgiving dinner, and you wish you’d never ever ate the three pancakes.

You’ll feel physically like crap for a long time. You'll probably feel emotionally like crap as well, because we tend to beat ourselves up when we overeat.


I challenge you to start by eating the three pancakes with the filling, and REALLY TAKE TIME TO ENJOY THEM, because they are YOURS!

You have the mental and the physical availability of fully enjoying their taste.

You’ll probably pay more attention to how your body feels after eating them.

You might not even eat something else after.

Or if you really are still physically hungry, then you’ll have room in your stomach for a couple of bites of meat and one small veggie bite.


The math says that you eat MUCH LESS when you start with the best part.


I’ve observed this pattern over and over again in myself and in my clients.


It’s freaking working like magic, and we are more prone to leave behind some food bites IF THEY AREN’T SOOO APPEALING TO US!


I DARE YOU to try this during this week.

ENJOY the foods you like by eating them slowly and by allowing all your senses to take advantage of their awesomeness.


A cup of ice cream might take three minutes to eat if you are in a hurry, and you think that you aren’t allowed to eat it, or it might take 40 minutes to thoroughly enjoy the taste/ the shifting texture/ the flavors (real experiment done last week with a client) 😂


You get to decide to not “settle” with a job you don’t actually want because you think you have to start low, or to go through the pain of crappy benefits, or bullying bosses/ vet-techs/ colleagues.

You can start with the best, or pivot and left behind those jobs you don’t like.


Look at your life’s “PLATE”!

Where are you currently stuffing yourself with unnecessary clutter, by believing that you’ll save the best option for last?

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