
97% of women do this!

Want to JOIN the 3%?

97% of the WOMEN have hateful voices in their heads about their bodies.


Seven of eight Americans with eating disorders are WOMEN.


The diet industry exploits this violent internal assault, and when the “diet fails,” we internalize even more hate against ourselves.

We believe that something has to be wrong with us, not with the method of dieting.


The problem with counting calories, focusing on macros, intermittent fasting, carbs, or less or more fats is not addressing the main issue!


The mean internal self-talk!


We all know how to lose weight by drastically restricting ourselves!


Reaching our natural healthy weight starts with a radical and rebellious act of self-acceptance and self-love.


And understand me right!

The rebellion is first against our internalized oppression and internalized bullying of some perfectly normal and functional tissues: our fat tissue and skin.


We internalize thoughts and beliefs about ourselves from early infancy without questioning them.

Our brains are trained to respond to negative experiences by eating.


(if a baby is in pain after getting a vaccine/a shot, the mom/parent feeds the baby, bonding and comfort are created)


As adults, if we don’t learn new coping mechanisms for dealing with extreme emotions, our brain will request “the soothing” of those emotions by eating or drinking alcohol.


And when we self-generate intense negative emotions by listening to those hateful voices in our heads, without questioning their value, WE’LL END UP EATING WHEN WE AREN’T HUNGRY.




I’m not about creepy and toxic positive thinking.


I call it as it is.


A pet owner accusing you of being a murderer IS A BIG AND DEEPLY FUCKED UP BULLSHIT!


You telling yourself words like: “you are just a lazy, fat, and stupid cow” IS ALSO A BIG AND DEEPLY FUCKED UP BULLSHIT!


This is btw a verbatim quote from “Nadina pre-coaching brain.”

I gave you this one and wrote it down to understand that I WAS PART OF THE 97%!


The shift happened when I learned how our brains work and stopped believing those “brain-farts.”


Do you want help saying NO to foods and YES to discover what the authentic YOU is hungry for?

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